Feb 5, 2010

Let's Try Again

From a recent AP article:

A new study has found that young people are losing interest in long-form blogging, as their communication habits have become increasingly brief, and mobile. Tech experts say it doesn't mean blogging is going away. Rather, it's gone the way of the telephone and e-mail — still useful, just not sexy. (MARTHA IRVINE, AP National Writer Martha Irvine, Ap National Writer Wed Feb 3)

Indeed. With Facebook and the ease of microblogging status updates, it's been admittedly tough to keep up with either of my blogs. There are other detracting factors, such as work, a lack of inspiration, and general busyness.

But I'm hoping to get back on the wagon, and have started with a relaunch of my cycling blog. Formerly called Cherylismo!, I abandoned that cycling lingo play on my own name, as I felt it didn't really have any meaning, and threatened to just sound like an inside joke.

I think my new blog says exactly what it means, and I've even gussied up the color scheme- I think it's very "me" without having to shout my name.

Now, to write...

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