Mar 5, 2009

30 miles down, 70 to go

Getting back in the saddle has been a challenge after months of wedding planning, skipping the gym, and holiday eating! I've been hitting spin class pretty hard, and as I type my legs and back are aching in a rewarding way.


This Saturday we'll ride 30 miles- a little less than one third of our ultimate distance of 100 miles that we'll ride in June. I've got a great group of new teammates and am happy to say that a few close friends have even joined and will grind up the hills alongside me!

True Stories

So with all the training, it's easy to lose sight of my primary purpose here: to raise money to help cure cancer. Lance does a really good job of it, and with your help, I can too in my own way. We have a few people on our team who are our Honorees. These are people who are currently undergoing treatment, or are leukemia survivors. Some of them even ride with us. One of these people is Sheryl Braum. I had the honor of training with Sheryl last winter for the Solvang Century, and also celebrated her 5 year "re-birthday," which marked the 5 year anniversary of the bone marrow transplant that saved her life. Today, Sheryl rides cancer-free and with just one working lung. I think about that a lot when I'm struggling and swearing while riding up a hill with my two good lungs!

Sheryl with teammate Dan


So far I've raised just over $500. I need to raise at least $1500 by May 21st. I know financial times are tough, but if could get enough people to donate even just $10, I can easily reach my goal. Think of it as one less fancy cocktail on Friday night, or maybe 3 less Starbuck's Frappucinos! Also, some companies (like Google and eBay) will match your donation, so ask your employer!

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