Sep 21, 2009

Like a Phoenix

It has been way too long since I've written. I can blame it on many things- summer, work sapping every drop of my creative being, general laziness. But I won't dwell on it, and must simply pick up where I left off- and that is cycling with Team In Training.

As suddenly as one season was ended, so another has begun. I started the Fall season, training for Solvang's Finest Century, at the beginning of August. The season started out a little mixed-up, but I can say that as of our Point Reyes ride last weekend, we have reached that magical point where things click and you suddenly have formed a team. It's that poi
nt where you start to stay together on a ride, and you begin to remember people's names. It's the nascent roots of a team being planted, the team that you will end the season with.

Today was cycling as it should be. We had a buddy ride that started in San Rafael and went out to Point Reyes Station, with a stop at the Bovine Bakery- that West Marin cycling Holy Grail for coffee and pastries.

I told my participants that this is what they could look forward to once they were done training for their centuries, when they would go out for a weekend ride with their new cycling buddies. It's akin to a Sunday morning on the golf course.

Photos from today (Oh! And we saw a guy on a high wheel bike on Nicasio Valley Road!)

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